Hey there!
Yesterday I posted a new video:
The Meaning of Life [with Naval Ravikant & Joe Rogan]
📝 The following were my Notes…
What is the Meaning of Life...
- Any answer leads to a WHY question.
• You end up in an Agrippa's Trilemma:
1) Infinite Regress
Infinite sequence of WHY to every answer.
2) Circular Reasoning
"If A then B. If B then A"
3) Axiom
e.g./ The answer is... God, the Big Bang, a Simulation.... (a stopping point)
- If there were to be an answer, we would Not be Free.
• Thus, we are lucky that there is No Answer.
(We are Free because there is No Answer)
- Every great question leads to a Paradox.
Question: Do I matter?
• No. "I'm nothing"
•* Life is a single player game. (individualism)
• Yes. "I'm everything"
• * Each of us is connected to everything (universal connection)
- The mere act of pursuing an answer is what's Useful.
• Leads to self-knowledge and Peace.
- Benefit of Financial Freedom
• Gives you the time and energy to find inner happiness / peace.
📝 The following were my Reflections…
OSHO: "There is no purpose to life. And that's why is so beautiful"
Because there is no objective common answer to the purpose of life, we have the freedom to create our own purpose.
What makes my personal life meaningful...
After many reflections and time thinking about meaning and how to have the best life possible, I have come up with 3 aspects that I feel make my life fully (or near to fully) meaningful:
1) Doing things for the sake of it. These are things I intrinsically enjoy doing. The purpose here is not the end-goal or final reward, but the process itself. The process is the reward.
To make sure I'm doing things for its own sake sometimes I ask myself -- If today was my last day alive, would I be doing this?
2) Growth. When I feel that I'm getting better and better at something, that gives me a sense of meaning. A sense that I'm progressing instead of being stuck in the same place.
3) Give or contribute to something I believe in. I find that doing things that have an impact in the life of others is extremely meaningful. As Tony Robins argues, there is no higher high than giving to others and being useful. I certainly feel that.
On dealing with paradoxical ideas...
When I try to conciliate these paradoxical answers to the important questions of life, I keep in mind this insightful quote by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald:
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.”
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Until next time,
Julio xx