2 Principles to Be MUCH more Productive [Tim Ferriss, Naval Ravikant, Cal Newport, Kapil Gupta]
Hey friend!
I just uploaded a new video about 2 powerful principles that we can apply to be significantly more productive. The foundational secret is to think deeply about what tasks has the highest pay-off in the outcomes, and essentially knowing what to do and what to ignore --> Effectiveness beats Efficientness! But it is so easy to just try to be efficient (rather than effective) because it has a romanticisim (as we will see later) in modern society, gives us the illusion of moving forward, makes us think less about stuff and it serves as a justification in the case that we fail.
Here is all the written content I produced…
🧠 Quotes
"What you do is more important than how you do it" - Tim Ferriss
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” - Bill Gates
"Progress is almost never linear. Ups and downs and bursts." - Nassim Taleb
"Being busy is a form of laziness—lazy thinking and indiscriminate action." - Tim Ferriss
👨 People
Tim Ferriss
Entrepreneur, investor, podcaster and author. He wrote the famous book "The 4-hour Work Week", and invested in very successful companies at early stage (e.g./ Uber). He is one of the most sought-after individuals within the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Personally, I have gotten so much value from his podcast, in which he interviews successful people in different domains (from Business to Judo).
Naval Ravikant
Naval is an entrepreneur and angel investor, a co-author of Venture Hacks, and a co-maintainer of AngelList. I have learnt so much from his deep wisdom about many wide-ranging topics, from meditation and inner freedom to web 3.0 and crypto. I'm grateful for his willingness to share his insights, and inspire me to become a wiser / happier person.
📝 Notes
Tim Ferriss & Cal Newport
- How to (truly) Increase your Productivity...
* Be Smarter on what you do, rather than more Efficient. (Book: The 4Hour Workweek)
"What you do is more important than how you do it"
( this reminds me of Naval's argument about Good Judgement (which is essentially knowing what to do) beats hard work)
** Being effective is more important than being efficient.
** Pareto Principle: 80/20 Rule
*** Definition (wikipedia):
The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.
*** Focus on the tasks with highest leverage.
(the 20% of the tasks that produce 80% of the outcomes)
* "Slow Productivity"
** Productivity is dependent on the time scale you have.
*** Shorter time scale -- The busier you will be.
*** Longer time scale -- The more selective and patient you can be.
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” - Bill Gates
(Picking Nuggets Note: We tend to underestimate the long-term view because success is non-linear! And humans can't intuitively understand non-linear evolutions) --
"Progress is almost never linear. Ups and downs and bursts." - Nassim Taleb
*** Play *your* Game
**** It is important that you play your own game (suited to your motivations / time-scale).
**** And also that you are aware of the games other people play (and their motives).
**** Your time scale will dictate what games make sense for you to play and which games doesn't.
- What won't increase your Productivity...
* High-tech tools are not a source for Productivity.
** It only makes you more efficient at doing all the tasks (wether relevant or not)
"Being busy is a form of laziness—lazy thinking and indiscriminate action."
- Tim Ferriss
Naval Ravikant & Kapil Gupta
(Revisiting part of the Episode released on October 2021)
- More important than Hard Work (which comes from "how you work") is:
* What you work on
* Whom you work with
• Intensity of the desire
- We overvalue Effort
• Why? In the eyes of Society...
• Effort is very well seen.
• People who do not work as hard but are much more successful are seen as lucky people.
- Focus on what's really necessary, instead of overworking for its own sake.
- Hard Work (on its own) is the preparing of the "bed of failure"...
Link to the video:
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Until next time,
Julio xx